More Than Moorings

GOBA does so much more than provide moorings and we should emphesize the breadth of our work to our members and the wider community under the "More Than Moorings" banner.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

This forum is for the discussion and development of new ideas for the future direction of GOBA, through reasoned debate. Please restrict your comments to positive, moderate criticisms and development of new ideas.

Anonymous said...

Can we have the reasons why posts are delete?

Anonymous said...

All comments must be constructive, positive and forward looking.

Please see the Forum Guidelines for more information.

Anonymous said...

Petronius said...
There's a boaters' party tonight (Saturday 7th), just downstream from the Brampton GOBA moorings. All boaters are welcome. (Except snooty, stuck up boaters, of course. You'd be better off going to the Mill and sit there complaing about the rest of us having a good ole, boaty shin-dig).

Saturday, July 05, 2008

So it's ok for you then Petronius to say negative things but no one else - what a great democratic idea.

Well done.


Anonymous said...

Reasonable comments will remain. My position: Boaty Shin-Digs, Good. Happy boaters, Good. Friendly boaters, Good. Live-aboards, Good. Snooty boaters, Bad. Stuck-up boaters, Bad. Speeding Boater, Evil. Non-members regularly using GOBA moorings, Evil. Usurping EA powers, Evil. Only boating in good weather, Evil.

Ecce Homo.

Anonymous said...

Petronius why don't you join the comittee of the real GOBA - I do believe you have been invited to do so.

We look forward to your response.


Anonymous said...

Only the truely insane would invite Petronius to sit on a committee. [And anyway his wife won't let him].

Anonymous said...

That just about sums it up - will this site still be going by the end of the year let alone by 2020 - very doubtful as it is not run democratically.

At least on the real GOBA site we can air our views without the fear of them being deleted - and we all leave our real names and sometimes tag our boat names on too.


Anonymous said...

Petronius says: committee-ism is the enemy of revolution and the mechanism of oppression of the oppressed. Stalin did not rule by committee; Hitler did not march east after minuting his meeting with Gobbels; Thatcher did not have a committee meeting to take back the Falklands. Revolution not Evolution! goba2020 is for eternity and beyond.